Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Diet Failure~Moved~Life Update

As you read from the title my diet failed. Only reason being is because I had quit my job so I could spend some time with my family and while I was away from my house visiting my dad's, I caved. We had a "last" family dinner together when I visited so unhealthy food up everywhere, lets just say I lack self control.

So once I got back I ended up running out of my healthy delicious food/drinks and I didn't really have the money to spend on more food because I was saving all I had for a plane ticket.

So the plane ticket, I finally bought. I got it cheaper than I thought I would. Now I am in the oh so gorgeous Germany! It is a bit chilly here already so I made sure to focus more on long sleeves and pants. Though I failed to pack toe covering shoes that weren't heels or a pair of hot pink and dark purple running shoes that match nothing. Luckily my mom is shipping out my winter cozy boots soon.

I'll post some pictures now so you're less bored from the chitter chatter.

As you can see the architecture is gorgeous here. I love just walking around town. So many little shops and the food here is great! Not to mention it is nice to finally be able to legally try fruity girly alcoholic drinks when we go out to eat for dinner or lunch. So far I've only liked two of the eh 5 or so drinks I've tried. A Strawberry Majito and a Screwdriver. I'm not a beer fan either.

Anyways I WILL be getting back into my diet or more so for breakfast and lunch, once we get a place of our own and I get a job.. Which by the way my fiance' and I are still not married, that is actually the reasoning of me being here earlier than the original plan. But it seems that the laws here in Germany for marriage are a lot more complicated and confusing rather than a simple courthouse marriage in the states. It'll be a while more but once we're married, I get a job I will probably go to the AF base's gym and start back up my diet with the exception of going out to dinner(heehee).

One thing I've noticed since I've been here is that my hair hates it. It is either the climate/weather change or the water change. My hair is more dry and my scalp is itchy! So I'm going to try the natural remedy stuff for my hair. Apple Cider Vinegar diluted with water Rinse, the Diluted Baking Soda rinse, then I'm getting Aloe Vera and for a leave in conditioner I will be mixing Tea Tree Oil, Coconut Oil and some distilled water....because I had to leave my hair products at home(boo). So I'll have to update you on the whole hair deal once I get everything together and started!

I think that is enough talking. One person's life update is usually boring to another.
Until next time,

Youtube (I have many more new videos up from last time. Including wig reviews, a tutorial, and more)

Thursday, August 22, 2013

~Healthier Life Update~

I figured in this post I would talk about what I've been eating and drinking since my "health kick"
Water is an obvious answer, but other than that.

Drink wise I've been getting juice, milk and green tea.
I get Bolthouse Farms and Naked for my juice.
And for tea I will either grab a Lipton Citrus Green Tea if in a hurry to go to work, or I will use my Yogi brand for when I eat dinner or lunch.

I've loved all of my Bolthouse Farms drinks(Even the non fruit ones like the Chai one...taste like snickerdoodle cookies) and I've loved all but two of the Naked drinks.
I got the Protein Juice Smoothie which has bananas, pineapple, coconut, oranges and such and it is....not pleasant. But I got the bigger bottle and would rather not waste my money. It is very gritty and even the flavor isn't so great. The one I dislike more than than was the Banana and Chocolate smoothie. It taste just horrible and I threw it out. Was not good at all!

For my milk product I swapped our everyday milk with the Almond Silk in Vanilla flavor and it is so tasty. I've gone through 2 things of it in a week! It is crazy good! I wish they had smaller ones just so I could try out the other flavors too.

Food wise I have been eating breakfast, lunch and dinner(Usually only ate lunch and dinner or just dinner).

For breakfast I will either have an omelet, a bowl of granola and my almond silk milk, a granola bar and greek yogurt, or greek yogurt with some sort of fruit on the side.

I'm not an egg person so omelets aren't as often. I have really been into Greek Yogurt lately, and it is amazing. I've heard people not liking it for it being too gritty and then for being to watery. The kind I've been getting is like normal yogurt consistency, but it has a bit more of a tart flavor to it. 

Snacks if I eat in between meals I will just have a small thing of greek yogurt, a fruit or granola. It really helps cure that sweet tooth, mainly the fruit for me though.

Lunches are pretty much always a salad for me.
I like Spinach salads, so I do spinach berry salads mostly.

How I make mine:
~Spinach Leaves~
Make sure to rinse them off because in the past they've been taken off the shelves often for E. Coli scares.
~Sliced up Strawberries~
(I always rinse off my fruits)
~Blue Cheese Crumbles~
~Sliced Baked Unsalted Almonds~
~Poppyseed Vinaigrette~
~And sometimes grilled cooled chicken~

If I'm not feeling for a berry salad it is almonds, blue cheese crumbles, chicken, and mushrooms.

Dinner I've been having more trouble with. Since my family doesn't understand the "I'm trying to eat healthier" idea I struggle most with dinner. I'll usually just eat something I will normally eat for lunch or I'll eat at work and just choose one of the 550 calorie meals or "weight watcher" meals.

So it has only been a week and two days since I started my all the sudden "health kick".
So far so good. I have not weighed myself again yet though. So weight update will be next week sometime.
I don't look too different from the last post, but I can feel it.
Like when I eat something greasy(Like a piece of Onion Rings from work) my stomach automatically gets upset and sick feeling. Now I'm not sure if that is a good thing or bad thing, but I think it is a way of my body telling me that it is bad for me and I probably shouldn't eat more of that. Lol. Not quite sure, but it helps me stray away from "junk". 

Until Next Time

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

~A Healthier Lifestyle~

I am trying to be a bit of a healthier person.
I just started a healthy diet and am going to exercise after work each day I can.
Today is only day 3, so I won't show any obvious changes.
My goal isn't as much to losing weight as it is toning my body a bit.
Losing some weight would be nice but not my biggest concern.
I'm a fairly weak individual. I have little strength to do 5 pushups or situps.

So I figured I'd start off by a day one picture of my body.
I will do weekly body pictures and hopefully see something a little changed by week 4.
I'm not overweight. My weight is average for my height and what not.
I am 5'4 and weigh 135Ibs, my overall weight goal is 125Ibs.
I want to tone my Arms, Stomach and Legs.


Side View

Perhaps I should next time not lift my arms up.
But then again with my arms down you wouldn't be able to see the stomach.
I didn't suck in on any of these. The right picture on the Side View looks more sucked in probably because I lifted my arms more. Next Tuesday I shall do another update. Most likely won't look too different.

I also will do a post with the food/drinks I've been eating.
Until Next time!


Saturday, August 3, 2013

~My Online Shop~

My little online store is called Lullaby Charms. I was doing it all through etsy, but switched to Storenvy. It is a lot easier to work with and I enjoy the customization you can do with your shop. 

My shop will be a mixture of "re-sale"(Yard selling it up online yo!), so things I have used, but in good condition, and of things I've made. 
My favorite thing in the shop would be my icecream scoop rings. They're cute and fun and perfect for a Fairy Kei/Creepy Cute style accessory! 

Another thing I love are actually something I randomly came up with one day.
I was drinking those starbucks frappucinnos daily and an idea popped into my head. I ended up making them into super cute little necklaces. They look like a little cup or bowl of icecream with kawaii charms and sprinkles/whatnots. I of course cleaned them out well and then I spray painted them/clear coated them. And thus these cute things were "born".

So that about sums it up. Grab your attention? 
If so you can check out my shop here:
Until next time!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

~I Butchered a Wig~

Two things I want to show.
Nothing super duper amazing, but still love it.
1. I got a new top in the mail that I got off of eBay(Of course).
2. I want to show off what I did to my blonde wig(Long wavy-ish one).

So lets start off with I got this top on eBay 

I love it. Absolutely love it! It is simple, but the design gives it a little something special. And it is super comfy. It is a size Medium and you can look up Forever 21 Boyfriend Cardigan on eBay and I'm sure you'll find one! I saw two or three listings for this same top but this one was of course the cheapest and in my size range.

Second I ended up "butchering" my old blonde wavy wig which is this one:

I got it on ebay. I was on facebook one night and a girl posted a picture of the blonde wig she altered and well it inspired me to mess around with my blonde wig! 
So yeah. That is what it now looks like. Thanks to my sister for wearing it while I was cutting it(I lack of owning the foam head). I guess you can say it is a "scene" cut? Just very layered now and can have either side swept bangs or straight across(But it pokes my eyes when straight across). 

So that about sums up this entry!
Until next time! 


Friday, July 19, 2013

Upper Dater Time. Stress~Wig Talk

SORRYI've been busy lately. So lately I've been busy and stressed out about planning my wedding.
I have supporters and people who aren't so happy about it in the family.
I have three sides of the family to worry about.
Dad's, Mom's and Stepdad's.
Yay me!
Just a bit of drama has been happening on my Dad's side. The problem isn't even my dad. He is pretty supportive in this. But other's don't like my decision's I've recently chosen. Frankly it isn't their life/happiness. I'm going to do what is best for me and what will make me happy. They'll get over it eventually. I know they're full of worry.

Anywho Time for the "fun" stuff :D Yay!
First off I ordered yet ANOTHER wig!
This one is different, only because of the length. Thought I'd give a short natural colored wig a try ;)

I went ahead and put my hopes that this wig is decent enough to wear in public.
I'm guessing they took the picture preview from taobao though(Didn't pay attention at first). Which is why I'm hoping it turns out decent. The style/cut is cute and playful. I've never had this short of hair so I'm curious what it will end up looking like on me. I'll of course do a review and post pictures when I receive it. The wig was only $15.99 so I guess It wouldn't be a big money loss if it ended up not the greatest. Ebay is a hit or miss type of thing. A luck game I'm playing pretty much I suppose. It was between this one and a light blonde one, but I think brown wigs tend to be less shiny than blondes, or from my experience the browns look more realistic than the blondes do.
Next I was asked to take more pictures in my Blonde to Pink wig.
I admit I haven't taken many. I actually didn't get many from the other day either.
But I got one decent one as well as a picture showing off my top I was wearing. Or more so how that one thing in my thrifting post looks like when wearing it(The underbust overall vest deal).

I did end up making a review video on the last wig I purchased(Obviously not the one I just posted in this post lol) So if you didn't feel like reading my previous.....two posts you can go ahead and watch it here :)

So that about wraps this post up. I'll try to get the third part of the haul posted fairly soon.

Friday, July 5, 2013

~Umbreon Me!~

I present to you my little Umbreon self!
Okay anyways I ALWAYS get asked about my Umbreon hoodie. ALWAYS.
So I figured I'd make a post about it here :)

To start out with I got this on eBay.
The seller has other hoodies, but not many pokemon ones(boo!).
I remember seeing Umbreon, Charmander, Pikachu and Maybe...Piplup?
I got it on eBay for $50, but I see the prices bouncing from $42-$50 quite often.
The shipping was FREE. I always go for free shipping ;)
I got it in a size Large to play it safe. It is super soft and super warm. The only two things I found "negative" was 1. I was dissapointed that the picture showed the yellow rings around the hip area near the pockets and mine didn't have any 2. The sleeves are a tad bit short on my arms. But over all the hoodie is awesome and I still HIGHLY recommend it. I like that the ears are more floppy than the straight up ears I've seen on hoodies(I think they look corny when they're sticking straight up ICK!).
I actually made a video talking about it and you can see the awesome tail swing movement I do towards the end of the video ;) Tis HAWT!