Thursday, June 20, 2013

~Style Transformation Haul~

I'm going to make a couple of posts within the next week of style haul's because I don't want to flood each blog post. So I'll go ahead and start off with some things. No Specific order.
Just showing of some of the things I've bought(Between stores, thrifting, eBay and such).

This is probably my favorite find out of all the things I bought recently.
I paid a pretty penny for it and I will probably never spend so much on a top again. Not no $100 or some nonsense but a bit under $60. I had to have it though. The brand is a'reve and it is size Small. Which I was excited because it fit me(I was super worried). I got it at a new local boutique in town and everything in there is this lovely boho/vintage/earthy style. I LOVE IT! I wish I could spend more money there, but you know, wedding and all.

Here you can see more detail of the dressy top. I love the floral lace print mixed with the crochet looking lace part towards the bottom. And those ruffles on the chest part of the top is just lovely. This is by far my favorite top. I will def baby this piece.
Next off we have this Jacket. It isn't fully a cropped jacket, but not a...normal one either? It is shorter than a normal jacket though. The brand is called Rubber Doll. I've never heard of it before and when I tried to look up the brand on eBay and such all I could find were old people sweaters and most were ugly christmas sweaters -shutters- bleck!  I found this one lingering in the long sleeve shirt part of goodwill. It really caught my eye. I think what really interested me was how you button up the jacket.(See the picture below.)

See how the clasps are? That is how you button, or well should I say hook up the jacket. I haven't seen it done like this before so it really caught my eye and I had to buy it. This jacket wasn't even $6 like they normally are! It was around $4, which was surprising to me.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Lastly for this post I have these three items.
First one is a shrug like thing or a short cardigan. It is a cream color and is a lace/crochet print(Like most things I got) and it is from Maurices(But I got it from Goodwill!). The middle image I FINALLY found me a pair of lace designed shorts! I thought I had no hope in finding a pair because all of the ones on eBay are XS-S and my booty can not fit into those sizes. I got it from a store called Factory Connection. The brand is Vivid Connection of new york and size large for my tush. The last image I also got from the Factory Connection place. It was actually the last one they had there in this color and I LOVE this top. Of course I'd wear something under it so my tits don't show through lol. The brand of this is ShoreLine. I've not heard of that brand before but I must say it suits the style of this top.  

Anyways I say that wraps that up. I'll try to do some OOTD's showing how I pair these new clothing items together. I still need to add some more things to my "collection" for my style transformation. But for now these are some of the things I've gotten so far. I'll be posting another Haul post fairly soon. So keep your eyes peel'd!

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