Saturday, June 15, 2013

~~Crafty Update~~A Touch of Summer Fever

                                        Flower Crowns! 
                                            What a nice way to say you're ready for the season!
                             It can be used for Spring, Summer and even Fall if you do the colors right!

If you don't feel like reading through all of this I also have a video made about it.

Each flower crown is made of a stretchy handband with a comfy rubber part(So the flowers will stay on).
So if you have a bigger than average sized head shape this will stretch out to fit!
I wouldn't say my head is small,
 because everyone tells me to move my big head when I'm riding with them. ;_;

I only have three made so far which you can plainly see between the pictures posted.
Luckily I have a younger sister who was more than happy to model them off for me.

It gives you an idea of what these look like on visually.
The first picture I have three different flower sizes. The plain white ones being the smallest, to give it a nice contrast, and the pink being the middle sized. The largest flower is to give the headband a nice pop.

The second picture shows off the simple purple flower crown. Since it is more simple it would be easier to pair with clothing, or at least to me it would be. It has a blue tint to it, so it isn't just plain purple.

The third one has three big flowers which are a creamy white, pink and peachy color. I chose the smaller white flowers to offset the big flowers so it wouldn't look like a huge bulky mess. 

So that ends this crafty post. Hope you all enjoyed!
I will be updating as much as possible.


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