Friday, June 21, 2013

~Style Transformation Haul Part 2~

  Time for the part 2 of this style transformation haul! 

I will of course tell you where I got each item and what brand they are(If they have one). 


So lets start off with this top to the left!
It is a lovely Crochet top that I got from Gliks. The brand is Teenbell. I have seen fairly similar tops like this on eBay so you could probably easily find one there. Or even looking up the brand on eBay. It is a really cute top but of course I have to wear a little something something underneath or my ta ta's would show!
Next off we have the adorable shoes! I have been looking for something like this. I got these on sale for $11.99 at Factory Connection. The brand is called Anna(I'm pretty sure. One of the "n"s is turned backwards). I always have the most trouble finding bottoms(Shorts and Skirts mainly) to go with my more "dressed up" attire.

I was at goodwill and I ALWAYS tend to look at the jewelry section last after I've bought stuff so I decided to take a look before I paid for my things. I found this necklace sitting there. I love butterflies for starters and this was different and more eye catching than the other jewelry pieces. So I went ahead and bought it. I think it was like $3, but I liked it enough to spend the three dollars on it. I don't know what brand it is or where you could find one like this.
Lastly to end this post I have these three items. The first one I found at goodwill. It is like a "clincher" styled top. Like it goes under the breast. The brand is Tiara. Not sure where you could buy this, best I could think is just look around on eBay? The second top I got on eBay. I paid more than I usually would for a used top($25) but I really wanted it. The brand is Old Navy. It is a flowy long dress top. Last in line is this soft brown cardigan shrug. It buttons up and have this nice texture to it. I believe it is from Maurices(And yes, I got it from Goodwill). Everything from goodwill I buy for tops usually runs from $3-$6 depending on the brand of course. Sometimes they're oddly priced at $4.50. But to me that is better than paying $15-$30 for a top! 

Well, that sums up this post. Keep an eye out for my next post! It too will be part of this long Haul :) Just nicely split up so the posts aren't overwhelmingly long.

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