Friday, June 14, 2013

An Introduction

Welcome to my blog.
Since I am new here I figured an Introduction would be a good start for my first post.

My name is Lela. Pronounced "lee-luh" not "layluh". People always think it is the second. I am 20 years old, or young, whichever you prefer to say. My birthday is on the 13th of April. I've lived my whole entire life in the state of Missouri in the United States. I've done little traveling, or at least to me it is little. I guess could be more than some, but still not a whole lot. I am a natural red head, or if you may; a ginger. I have freckles and red hair, and for the longest time I hated both of those things about myself. I want to say that my 10th grade year in high school is when that opinion of myself had started to slightly change. I had failed my 9th grade year of highschool. I didn't care about school that year and honestly didn't think I would fail(Boy was I on the dumb side). When I found out I had flunked the grade it was my wake-up call. I worked my butt off to catch up with my grade, and in the end of the second "9th grade" year I did. I graduated with my class(2011)  and I passed with mainly Bs and Cs and maybe a D+ in math class(Always my most lacked subject). For the longest time though I was always hurt when called "stupid", "idiot" and such terms because I did flunk, and that is how I felt about myself. I don't so much anymore though.

Now at the age of 20, and being with the love of my life for about 5 years now I am an engaged woman. He was my first true love, and the only person I've....well "bom chicka wah wah" if you understand. Maybe not my first kiss, but I'm thankful for that because my first kiss was.....terrible. I sucked at kissing my first time, heh. So I take my first kiss as a learning experience. Anyways, back on subject(You may find that I'll trail off often in the future). I only have three months to plan our wedding. I live in the states still and him in Germany as of now. He is in the Military, Air Force to be exact. So he cannot be here to help me plan as much. September will be one of the most memorable months of my life, for it will be the month of a new beginning, a new chapter in my life. I will leave for Germany soon after we are married, and from there is where my life will be a new.

I'm sure you're wondering where we met. We simply met at school, 9th grade, geography class. I always got him in trouble for talking, even though it was me doing all the blabbering! -teehee-

Currently I am living with my parents still, and have had no after highschool classes(College). I plan on doing something of course, but have not been ready. I plan on doing cosmetology with hair and makeup, as well as some business classes and photography. My dream is to be a professional photographer. To have my own studio one day, but once I'm settled in a place I can then call "home". My favorite is nature photography, so flowers, insects, animals and such. Macro is fun to play with. I may show you some new pictures now and then of my photography, but I mainly post on my facebook page which you can find here. Photography is my hobby, but also my passion. Other hobbies I have are mainly artistic and crafty things. I like to make stuff with polymer clay. I enjoy drawing and painting(Oil paints are my favorite painting medium). I just like to be creative and use my artistic side more than anything.

One thing you may end up noticing, and I will post(because I'm sure I'll end up with questions about it), is that I like to wear wigs every now and then. You will probably notice pictures of myself with different colored hair than my natural color, those are my wigs. I get the question why I wear wigs, which I will probably end up explaining another time, for now I'm trying to keep this post......shorter than what it would be if I were to explain, ha. I also have a spending addiction it seems. Thrift stores and eBay, are my weakness. And right now more so than ever they are my "enemy", means how I'm trying to save up for a wedding. You will notice some style/fashion stuff going on in this blog, I am undergoing a change of style, slightly. Picking up things here and there. I will do hauls, and craft updates on things I've made. You will get to watch me change. You will see my life's adventure. I will keep this blog posted as often as possible and I hope you will enjoy the things I share, give me tips, and advice. Thank you for reading. It sure does mean a lot.


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