Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Look What Arrived In The Mail!!!

Super Excited. I've been waiting for this to come in the mail.
So I admit, I have an eBay addiction. I can't control my hands. They just like to click that buy now button.
Anyways I ended up ordering me another new wig, and I am GLAD that I did because it is lovely.
A new favorite I must say(And WILL be going to Germany with me!!!).

I love pretty much all the wigs I have(Other than that first dark blue dreadful one I had), but this one takes the cake. I think I am even more fond of it because it is fairly close to my natural color, which is a huge plus for me.(Easier to trick people MUHAHAH!). I love the wavy style(Kind of like my red wine one) so both style and color are perfection to me. It is fairly soft(Softer than my other wavy wig), thick, and not super long. I can have the bangs either blunt styled or side swept which I like(Looks good both ways). Oh and matches my eyebrows! I love this wig because it really fits my style transition I'm going through which is inspired by the Mori Girl style.

I got this wig like I do all my others on eBay for under $30, so at a good price ;)
The seller I have bought from before, and the shipping is decent and doesn't take too long means how it ships from China. I had a shirt come in today as well that I ordered soon after my blonde-pink wig >.< That was slow! But this came in fairly fast. The seller has many other lovely looking wigs and I highly recommend checking Them out! I can't say much about their clothing, but I normally try not to buy clothing meant for the Asian body type because I'm not no size XS-S. But they have some super cute frilly socks I might order sometime. Anyways I just wanted to share my new wig with you all, hope you enjoy and maybe find a wig you like from the seller! :)


Monday, June 24, 2013

~Photography During Late Father's Day~

You may not know(Many reading this may not) but nature photography is my favorite, particularly Flowers and Insects. While I was at my dad's house to spend a late Father's Day weekend with him I went and took some pictures of the flowers in his girlfriends garden(Pretty much my step mom). She's worked hard on her garden, sadly I didn't get any garden shots, just flowers.

Here are some of the pictures I took that are watermarked with my blog's URL so theft is less likely to happen. And if you want to see more you can find them Here on my photography Facebook page of which you can like and support my photography and where I also will update a lot more.

Friday, June 21, 2013

~Style Transformation Haul Part 2~

  Time for the part 2 of this style transformation haul! 

I will of course tell you where I got each item and what brand they are(If they have one). 


So lets start off with this top to the left!
It is a lovely Crochet top that I got from Gliks. The brand is Teenbell. I have seen fairly similar tops like this on eBay so you could probably easily find one there. Or even looking up the brand on eBay. It is a really cute top but of course I have to wear a little something something underneath or my ta ta's would show!
Next off we have the adorable shoes! I have been looking for something like this. I got these on sale for $11.99 at Factory Connection. The brand is called Anna(I'm pretty sure. One of the "n"s is turned backwards). I always have the most trouble finding bottoms(Shorts and Skirts mainly) to go with my more "dressed up" attire.

I was at goodwill and I ALWAYS tend to look at the jewelry section last after I've bought stuff so I decided to take a look before I paid for my things. I found this necklace sitting there. I love butterflies for starters and this was different and more eye catching than the other jewelry pieces. So I went ahead and bought it. I think it was like $3, but I liked it enough to spend the three dollars on it. I don't know what brand it is or where you could find one like this.
Lastly to end this post I have these three items. The first one I found at goodwill. It is like a "clincher" styled top. Like it goes under the breast. The brand is Tiara. Not sure where you could buy this, best I could think is just look around on eBay? The second top I got on eBay. I paid more than I usually would for a used top($25) but I really wanted it. The brand is Old Navy. It is a flowy long dress top. Last in line is this soft brown cardigan shrug. It buttons up and have this nice texture to it. I believe it is from Maurices(And yes, I got it from Goodwill). Everything from goodwill I buy for tops usually runs from $3-$6 depending on the brand of course. Sometimes they're oddly priced at $4.50. But to me that is better than paying $15-$30 for a top! 

Well, that sums up this post. Keep an eye out for my next post! It too will be part of this long Haul :) Just nicely split up so the posts aren't overwhelmingly long.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

~Style Transformation Haul~

I'm going to make a couple of posts within the next week of style haul's because I don't want to flood each blog post. So I'll go ahead and start off with some things. No Specific order.
Just showing of some of the things I've bought(Between stores, thrifting, eBay and such).

This is probably my favorite find out of all the things I bought recently.
I paid a pretty penny for it and I will probably never spend so much on a top again. Not no $100 or some nonsense but a bit under $60. I had to have it though. The brand is a'reve and it is size Small. Which I was excited because it fit me(I was super worried). I got it at a new local boutique in town and everything in there is this lovely boho/vintage/earthy style. I LOVE IT! I wish I could spend more money there, but you know, wedding and all.

Here you can see more detail of the dressy top. I love the floral lace print mixed with the crochet looking lace part towards the bottom. And those ruffles on the chest part of the top is just lovely. This is by far my favorite top. I will def baby this piece.
Next off we have this Jacket. It isn't fully a cropped jacket, but not a...normal one either? It is shorter than a normal jacket though. The brand is called Rubber Doll. I've never heard of it before and when I tried to look up the brand on eBay and such all I could find were old people sweaters and most were ugly christmas sweaters -shutters- bleck!  I found this one lingering in the long sleeve shirt part of goodwill. It really caught my eye. I think what really interested me was how you button up the jacket.(See the picture below.)

See how the clasps are? That is how you button, or well should I say hook up the jacket. I haven't seen it done like this before so it really caught my eye and I had to buy it. This jacket wasn't even $6 like they normally are! It was around $4, which was surprising to me.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Lastly for this post I have these three items.
First one is a shrug like thing or a short cardigan. It is a cream color and is a lace/crochet print(Like most things I got) and it is from Maurices(But I got it from Goodwill!). The middle image I FINALLY found me a pair of lace designed shorts! I thought I had no hope in finding a pair because all of the ones on eBay are XS-S and my booty can not fit into those sizes. I got it from a store called Factory Connection. The brand is Vivid Connection of new york and size large for my tush. The last image I also got from the Factory Connection place. It was actually the last one they had there in this color and I LOVE this top. Of course I'd wear something under it so my tits don't show through lol. The brand of this is ShoreLine. I've not heard of that brand before but I must say it suits the style of this top.  

Anyways I say that wraps that up. I'll try to do some OOTD's showing how I pair these new clothing items together. I still need to add some more things to my "collection" for my style transformation. But for now these are some of the things I've gotten so far. I'll be posting another Haul post fairly soon. So keep your eyes peel'd!

Monday, June 17, 2013

My Wig Collection

For those who may be wondering.
This is my wig collection.
I have worn some of them only for a few times. Some more than a few.
I am selling some of them already, but they're already "on hold" for certain people.
I'll go ahead and start with my first ever wig I bought!

This was my first ever wig.. I bought it on eBay, as I did with ALL of my other wigs. eBay is a hit and miss type of thing. You Have to hope what you get isn't complete crap. Well for my first wig, it was probably my only "disaster" wig. First lets start off with it was super long. Past my hips long. I believe 100cm? The thing was ALWAYS tangled so I had to keep it braided all the time. Then I decided to butcher the bangs as well as shorten the thing. The picture to the left shows how short I ended up cutting it(Still fairly long), but also before I cut the bangs which you can see in the other picture. Lets just say I gave that wig away to the neighbor girl so she could use it for halloween. 
Next off we have my red wine wavy wig, which still is one of my favorites. I didn't do any sort of "modifying" to it. The bangs were perfect to my liking as well as the length. It was eh, $11 on ebay? It sheds, but it is a nice full wig and still looks gorgeous to this day. I will probably have the hardest time giving up this one, if I do.
This is my black wig I had gotten. Well it has a hint of brown in some lighting, but for the most part black. Now lets see. I've done a lot to this wig. I styled/trimmed the bangs two different times and then curled the wig. The picture here is what it looks like currently. I am actually giving this one to a good friend of mine. I don't have head lice so her getting this as "used" isn't a bad thing. Plus for free c:

I had fun with this wig. It is another very full wig. I love the color. It fades into this darker purple and is just lovely. This one I am seeing if anyone in the facebook group I am in is interested in buying it from me. If not I will probably put it on eBay or someting. $25 is what I am asking for it. Only worn a few times. 
 This is when I figured to try out a lighter colored wig. Blonde to be exact. It worked out quite nice with my skin complextion, which surprised me. I only worn it once. Considering about selling it as well. For when I move to Germany I will only be bringing certain wigs with me.
This wig I had gotten for a future OC cosplay. But lets face it, I don't have the time nor money to work on the costume nor do I have any kind of sewing skills! So I am selling this to a good friend on facebook. This wig has not been touched with the scissors.

This is where I started getting more into natural colored wigs. They tend to be more silky and not as "fake" shiny looking. Which is what I like! I ended up getting the wrong color the first time(It was a dark brown, the one I wanted was the one in this picture) but I really like both colors. So same wig, just one darker than the other ;) I also styled the bangs on the darker version differently. This one is the lighter brown.   
 This one if fairly new. It is my red curly wig I had gotten on ebay. The shipping was fast(US seller finally!)and the wig is super lush. Sadly I messed up that one big curl as you can probably tell in the picture(Oopsie!). Still a lovely wig. I have to fill my eyebrows in when I wear it though(Doesn't match my super strawberry blonde hardly noticeable eyebrows).

Finally my most recent arrival is my blonde that fades into a pretty light pink. It is a pin straight wig. I was deeply considering waving it like my red one. But all my other wigs have a slight curl or wave to them so I guess a little change isn't too terribly bad. If you want to see my review on this wig check out the video I have for it. 

I actually have one other wig that I didn't show on here. It is just a short choppy layered orange wig I was going to use for a Misty(Pokemon) cosplay that I never got around doing. So I'm selling it to a friend for $10. I bought a new wig today so when that comes in I'll be posting some pictures of it ;) So keep an eye out for that post!


Saturday, June 15, 2013

~~Crafty Update~~A Touch of Summer Fever

                                        Flower Crowns! 
                                            What a nice way to say you're ready for the season!
                             It can be used for Spring, Summer and even Fall if you do the colors right!

If you don't feel like reading through all of this I also have a video made about it.

Each flower crown is made of a stretchy handband with a comfy rubber part(So the flowers will stay on).
So if you have a bigger than average sized head shape this will stretch out to fit!
I wouldn't say my head is small,
 because everyone tells me to move my big head when I'm riding with them. ;_;

I only have three made so far which you can plainly see between the pictures posted.
Luckily I have a younger sister who was more than happy to model them off for me.

It gives you an idea of what these look like on visually.
The first picture I have three different flower sizes. The plain white ones being the smallest, to give it a nice contrast, and the pink being the middle sized. The largest flower is to give the headband a nice pop.

The second picture shows off the simple purple flower crown. Since it is more simple it would be easier to pair with clothing, or at least to me it would be. It has a blue tint to it, so it isn't just plain purple.

The third one has three big flowers which are a creamy white, pink and peachy color. I chose the smaller white flowers to offset the big flowers so it wouldn't look like a huge bulky mess. 

So that ends this crafty post. Hope you all enjoyed!
I will be updating as much as possible.


Friday, June 14, 2013

An Introduction

Welcome to my blog.
Since I am new here I figured an Introduction would be a good start for my first post.

My name is Lela. Pronounced "lee-luh" not "layluh". People always think it is the second. I am 20 years old, or young, whichever you prefer to say. My birthday is on the 13th of April. I've lived my whole entire life in the state of Missouri in the United States. I've done little traveling, or at least to me it is little. I guess could be more than some, but still not a whole lot. I am a natural red head, or if you may; a ginger. I have freckles and red hair, and for the longest time I hated both of those things about myself. I want to say that my 10th grade year in high school is when that opinion of myself had started to slightly change. I had failed my 9th grade year of highschool. I didn't care about school that year and honestly didn't think I would fail(Boy was I on the dumb side). When I found out I had flunked the grade it was my wake-up call. I worked my butt off to catch up with my grade, and in the end of the second "9th grade" year I did. I graduated with my class(2011)  and I passed with mainly Bs and Cs and maybe a D+ in math class(Always my most lacked subject). For the longest time though I was always hurt when called "stupid", "idiot" and such terms because I did flunk, and that is how I felt about myself. I don't so much anymore though.

Now at the age of 20, and being with the love of my life for about 5 years now I am an engaged woman. He was my first true love, and the only person I've....well "bom chicka wah wah" if you understand. Maybe not my first kiss, but I'm thankful for that because my first kiss was.....terrible. I sucked at kissing my first time, heh. So I take my first kiss as a learning experience. Anyways, back on subject(You may find that I'll trail off often in the future). I only have three months to plan our wedding. I live in the states still and him in Germany as of now. He is in the Military, Air Force to be exact. So he cannot be here to help me plan as much. September will be one of the most memorable months of my life, for it will be the month of a new beginning, a new chapter in my life. I will leave for Germany soon after we are married, and from there is where my life will be a new.

I'm sure you're wondering where we met. We simply met at school, 9th grade, geography class. I always got him in trouble for talking, even though it was me doing all the blabbering! -teehee-

Currently I am living with my parents still, and have had no after highschool classes(College). I plan on doing something of course, but have not been ready. I plan on doing cosmetology with hair and makeup, as well as some business classes and photography. My dream is to be a professional photographer. To have my own studio one day, but once I'm settled in a place I can then call "home". My favorite is nature photography, so flowers, insects, animals and such. Macro is fun to play with. I may show you some new pictures now and then of my photography, but I mainly post on my facebook page which you can find here. Photography is my hobby, but also my passion. Other hobbies I have are mainly artistic and crafty things. I like to make stuff with polymer clay. I enjoy drawing and painting(Oil paints are my favorite painting medium). I just like to be creative and use my artistic side more than anything.

One thing you may end up noticing, and I will post(because I'm sure I'll end up with questions about it), is that I like to wear wigs every now and then. You will probably notice pictures of myself with different colored hair than my natural color, those are my wigs. I get the question why I wear wigs, which I will probably end up explaining another time, for now I'm trying to keep this post......shorter than what it would be if I were to explain, ha. I also have a spending addiction it seems. Thrift stores and eBay, are my weakness. And right now more so than ever they are my "enemy", means how I'm trying to save up for a wedding. You will notice some style/fashion stuff going on in this blog, I am undergoing a change of style, slightly. Picking up things here and there. I will do hauls, and craft updates on things I've made. You will get to watch me change. You will see my life's adventure. I will keep this blog posted as often as possible and I hope you will enjoy the things I share, give me tips, and advice. Thank you for reading. It sure does mean a lot.
